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Написать отзыв о компании Звенящие кедры в Вологдe“It was during the readers’ conference in Gelenzhik when everything changed. Vladimir Nikolayevich had invited me, Polina and our daughter Nina to the readers’ conference of The Ringing Cedars of Russia.
The event was in late 1998. Prior to that, you would have found me in another business with very little knowledge about the works of Vladimir Megre. I was curious and I had a determination to know more about it as I had not come across such material in my life before. The conference added a burning desire in me to read the books and it was only, but a starting point in turning my fate.
After the successful event, I spent three weeks more with the writer after which I returned home with my family. It was then that I got the first book of the series, Anastasia which I read smoothly. Reading this book somehow brought about a chain reaction which led me to reading two more books. The Ringing Cedars of Russia and then The Space of Love. This was the true turning point in my life. I will never forget that moment. улица Козленская, 3г. Вологда, Вологодская область Похожие компании в Вологдe
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Ближайшие города от Вологды Анциферово Большое Село Большое Село Борисоглебский Буй Бурмакино Вожега Волошка Вохтога Гаврилов Ям Гаврилов-Ям Грязовец Данилов Иваньковский Измайлово Ильинское-Хованское Кадников Караваево Карачиха Кириллов Комсомольск Коноша Кострома Кубенское Любим Михайловское Молоково Молочное Нагорный Некрасовское Нерехта Няндома Пошехонье Пречистое Ростов Рыбинск Семибратово Сокол Солигалич Сямжа Тутаев Харовск Череповец Шексна Шуйское |